2010-№3(28) Article 18
D.V. Almazov, A.V. Alpatov, Yu.V. Vorobyev, S.A. Kostryukov, V.G. Mishustin
The investigation of barrier structures based on nanostructured disordered semiconductors. p.146-154
UDC 621.315.592
The paper deals with the investigation of contact phenomena in barrier structures and photovoltaic cells in nanostructured disordered semiconductors. The Staebler-Wronski effect causes deterioration of transport properties of semiconductors as well as redistribution of contact electric field and decay of photogenerated carrier collection. Thus, device degradation is triggered off by not only the initiation of photoinduced defects, but also by their influence on contact phenomena in nanostructured disordered semiconductors.
barrier structures, contact phenomena, nanostructured disordered semiconductors, modified time-of-flight technique.
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