2011-№1(30) Article 8
M. Yu. Gosudareva
Russian Diplomatic Mission in Istanbul in the 1720s-1730s. P. 97-106
The article treats various non-diplomatic issues which were under the jurisdiction of Russian diplomatic mission in Turkey in the 18th century. Relying on the archive material on the foreign policy of the Russian Empire, the author analyzes the work of the first Russian permanent ambassador to Istanbul I.I. Nepluev (1693–1773). I.I. Nepluev, who was the head of Russian diplomatic mission in 1720s–1730s, made a substantial contribution to Russian-Turkish diplomatic relations as well as to Russian diplomacy formation.
diplomacy, Department of Foreign Affairs, resident, Russia, Turkey.
1. Archive of foreign policy of Russian empire (AVPRI). F. 89 (Russian and Turkish relationsj). Op. 89/1. 1721 g. D. 7, 8; 1722 g. D. 3, 4, 6. Ch. 1, 2. D. 8, 10, 16; 1723 g. D. 3, 5. Ch. 1, 2, 10; 1724 g. D. 4, 6. Ch. 1, 2, 7; 1725 g. D. 4, 6, 14; 1726 g. D. 4, 6. Ch. 1, 2; 1727 g. D. 4, 8, 10; 1728 g. D. 2, 7, 9; 1729 g. D. 15; 1731 g. D. 10; 1732 g. D. 5, 7–9; 1733 g. D. 9.
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