2011-№3(32) Article 10

M.A. Litvinuk

The bucolic genre in N.M. Karamzin’s sentimental prose. p. 131-137

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UDC 882 (09)


The article analyzes N.M. Karamzin’s stories «Poor Liza», «Natalia the Boyar’s Daughter» and «Julia» from the point of view of transformations introduced by sentimentalists into the pastoral genre. The paper analyzes literary space and time as well as literary characters. It highlights a number of bucolic traditions and dwells on their transformations during the period contemporary with the author. N.M. Karamzin’s sentimental stories are analyzed against the background of his literary heritage.


love, pastoral, shepherd, shepherdess, nature, chronotype, civilization.



1. Gasparov, M.L./ V.M. Kozhevnikov, P.A. Nikolaev. Bukolicheskaja pojezija [bucolic poetry]. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987. 59 p.

2. Karamzin, N.M. Bednaja Liza [Poor Lisa]. Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1985. 64 p.

3. Karamzin, N.M./ P.A. Orlov. Julija [Julia]/ Russian sentimental story. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 1979. pp. 106-118.

4. Long. Dafnis i Hloja [Daphnis and Chloe]. (Russ. ed.: S.P. Kondrat’eva). Moscow: Fiction, 1964. 177 p.

5. Piskunova, S.I. Pastoral’ [Pastorale]. Available at: http://svr-lit.niv.ru/svr-lit/articles/piskunova-pastoral.htm

6. Halizev, V.E. Teorija literatury [Theory of Literature]. Moscow: Graduate School, 2007. 438 p.
