2011-№4(33) Article 4
M.V. Tretyakova
Venice of the XVII century in travel notes of the stolnik P. A. Tolstoy. p. 31-46
UDC 945.07
The article speaks about the travel of the stolnik P.A. Tolstoy (1645–1729) to Europe and to Venice in 1697–1699 in particular. In Venice stolnik stayed for about a year. The city made a great impression on him. In his travel notes P.A. Tolstoy describes the well-known signs of Serenissima: channels, gandolas, architecture, carnival, the glass of Murano… This description is of great value as the stolnik wrote his notes in order to give his countrymen the access to European culture, in particular to Venetian and wider to Italian culture. The stolnik′s travel notes may be considered as one of the first private (unofficial) evidences of Russian travellers in the XVII century.
Italy, Russian traveler, XVII century, stolnik P.A. Tolstoy, travel notes, Venice.
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