2011-№4(33) Article 6
V.A. Nikityuk
Features of historical development of Iran (from bourgeois-democratic revolution to «white»). p.56-64.
UDC 95
Article is devoted features of social and economic and political development of Iran in first half of XX-th century. Antiimperialistic and antimonarchic movements in Iran generate political crisis and revolution 1905–1911. With coming to power in 1925 of Reza-shah Pehlevi in the settled representations about Iran the new moments connected with possibility of overcoming by this country of century backwardness were added. In 1941 the son of the Reza-shah Mohammad Reza Pehlevi has continued the reforming directed on modernization of Iran and its integration into the modern capitalist world.
best, Cossack brigade, England, Germany, Persia, Russia, share rent, shiits.
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