2011-№4(33) Content


A.V. Prohorov

Scientific and pedagogical idea about human and his self-development within the context of K.D. Ushinsky`s conceptions

E.I. Artamonova, O.A. Kozyreva

Polysystematic analysis of pedagogues’ independent work

S.A. Lamzin

Major skills for foreign language teaching


M.V. Tretyakova

Venice of the XVII century in travel notes of the stolnik P. A. Tolstoy

N.P. Ananyeva

The Chinese eastern railway and the role it played in the United States expansion in Manchuria in 1906–1917

V.A. Nikityuk

Features of historical development of Iran (from bourgeois-democratic revolution to «white»)

T.V. Spiridonova

The passage of the educational bills in the 105th U.S. Congress


N.V. Trofimova

The miracles in the medieval Russian military narration

S.N. Motorin

«Vampilovian theater»

V.N. Ganin

The role of astrology in J. Chaucer’s «The Canterbury tales»


S.A. Tobratov, O.S. Zheleznova

The productivity of agrocenoses and factors of landscape and climate

V.A. Uskov, A.V. Vodorezov

The organization of geological and geomorphological monitoring in the state museum-estate «Аrkhangelsk», based on natural-economic zoning


I.A. Zeltser, E.N. Moos

Methodological and instrument aspects of structural-sensitive x-ray spectroscopy of the surfaces of condensed media and nanostructures (part 1)

M.T. Teryokin

The conditions of market balance

V.A. Pavlov

Мathematical modeling of social-economic processes

B. Mounits

New upper bounds for nonbinary codes


A.V. Repnikov

“The Russian officer corps in the revolution and World War I “ (analyzing the book)

I.S. Klimas

The folklore keeper and the language standard (Reviewing the Book by A.T. Khrolenko «Introduction to Folk Linguistic Studies». Moscow: Flinta: Nauka, 2010. 192 р.)


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