2015-№1(46) Article 15

O.L. Golovkov, G.A. Kuptsova, V.A. Stepanov

The mathematical description of the generation of two wave lengths of 1064,2 and 1061,5 nm by YAG:ND laser. P. 165-174.

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UDC 51+53


The paper describes the experimentally acquired laser emission of one or two wave lengths by YAG:Nd+3. The author suggests a solution of the equation system of Tang – Stats – deMars, which describes a polymodal generation of YAG:Nd+3 with two sublevels of 4F3/2 multiplet. The acquired solution contains a function considering relaxation transitions within 4F3/2 sublevels.

laser, piece of matter, radiation, multioscllation, set of equations



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