Arkhipova E. V.

Definition and Semantization  as Linguistic and Education Terms  Р. 132 –139.

UDC 811.161.1’373

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.013

Abstract. The article compares the terms “definition” and “semantization” in scholarly research on lexicography and Russian teaching methodology. The article also focuses on the way these terms function in linguistic and pedagogical discourse, primarily in modern textbooks and manuals dedicated to the Russian language and language teaching methodology. The relevance of the study is accounted for by the discrepan-cy between the way the two terms are understood by researchers working in the sphere of linguistics and linguodidactics and the way teachers use the terms in Russian classrooms. The aim of the research is to analyze “definition”and “semantization” as linguistic and education terms, to find out whether it can be recommended to use different terms to deal with different communicative and pragmatic tasks, to find out whether the two terms can be effectively used in contemporary classrooms. Being a speech act aimed at explaining the meaning of a word to oneself or to others, definition is an education term. The polysemantic term semantization is usually used to describe students’ ability to work with dic-tionary entries in order to find out the meaning of an unknown word. For educational purposes, it is essential that these two concepts should not be misinterpreted and misused.

Keywords: discourse, education discourse, linguistic discourse, lexicography, lexicology, Russian, semantization, dictionary of linguistic terms, definition



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