Vorobyov A. Yu., Kadyrov A. S., Balobina A. A

New data on the water-physical properties of soils along the eroded banks of the Oka River. Pp. 150–162.

UDC 624.131.43(282.247.412)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.015


Abstract. The article examines the water-physical properties of soils in the floodplain of the Oka River. Tests of sediment samples were conducted in the accredited laboratory of the Ryazanskaya SAS (Agrochemical Service Station). The objective of the work is to describe the material composition and the moisture levels of soils exposed in the erosion scarps of the high floodplain on the concave banks of the Oka River bends. The factual basis for describing these was
the results of determining soil-ground moisture and its granulometric composition obtained by the pipette method
(80 samples). During the research, we structured and classified the findings, and correlated soil samples with stratigraphic-genetic layers of sediments at our semi-permanent stations. We designed graphical representations using STATISTICA 10.0 application. The findings were divided into groups characterized by mechanical composition and moisture levels.
The classification of soils was also conducted through a universal approach adopted in Russian and foreign geology —
the Ferrer triangles. This is the first research that establishes the typical values of the content of sandy, silty and muddy fractions in sediments of the ancient Oka floodplain, including its areas involved in intensive exploitation. The findings can be integrated in the stability index of the Oka riverbed and applied in the forecasts of losses of valuable agricultural land, with identification of the dependency of such losses on the morphometric parameters of the river banks.


Keywords: erosion-accumulative processes, floodplain of the Oka River, geomorphic semi-permanent station, soil moisture, granularmetric analysis.




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