Vorobyov A. Yu.

Vorobyov A. Yu.

The Development of Geology-based Knowledge of the Relief and Landscape of the Middle Oka Valley (the 1950s–1970s) P. 110 – 123

UDC 551.4(282.247.412.3)(09)«195/197»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.012

Abstract. The article deals with physical and geographical research conducted in the territory of the Middle Oka River in the 1950s–1970s (predominantly in the Ryazan region and adjacent regions).  The article treats major results of important geomorphological, geographical, and geological studies published in the last three decades and serving as a foundation for the development of more specific physical and geographical issues. The article substantiates major factors responsible for the activation of geological reconnaissance in the second half of the 20th century in the Meshchera lowland. The article uncovers the causes of scientific interest in geobotanical and hydrological surveys. It highlights the major aspects of physical and geographical research which promoted the exploration of the Oka valley.

Keywords: terrain, the Oka, landscape, river valley, geomorphological zoning, geological reconnaissance, soil.


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