Vysokova V. V., Shunina Z. S.

English radicals, the French Revolution and Edmund Burke: polemics in The Analytical Review. Pp. 52–61.

UDC 070(09)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.005


Abstract. The article examines the ideological struggle around E. Burke’s work Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) on the pages of the radical periodical The Analytical Review. Thirty-eight responses published in the first three years after the publication of Burke’s book were identified and analyzed. It was established that all the reviews were definitely critical of the philosopher’s ideas; they praised and welcomed the revolutionary events in France. It was revealed that this discursive field was formed in a comparative manner: transformations of the political system in France were constantly compared with the state of affairs in the United Kingdom. At the center of the controversy there were such fundamentally important issues as hereditary power, aristocratic privileges, human rights, the right of the people to resist, etc. A significant part of these responses and reviews were associated with the publication of works on the French Revolution by other radical thinkers: T. Payne, M. Wollstonecraft, J. Mackintosh, where Burke’s “retrograde” ideas were contrasted with the thinking of these “progressive thinkers.” We see that all the reviews were anonymous. The authors of the present article came to the conclusion about the significance of the periodical edition as a “podium” for expression of English radicals of late 18th century and showed the ideological heterogeneity of this intellectual environment, and also explained their consolidation on the pages of The Analytical Review by the commercial success of the publication under the leadership of J. Johnson.


Keywords: The Analytical Review, English radicals, James Mackintosh, Joseph Johnson, Catherine Macaulay, Mary Wollstonecraft, Richard Price, Thomas Paine, French Revolution, Edmund Burke.




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