Gavrikova A. S.

Socio-political Discourse Addressing Liberal Values in Russia in the Early 20th Century P. 40-

UDC  94(47).083

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.004

Abstract. The article focuses on the way Russian liberals of the early 20th century treated the investigation of suffrage, civil freedoms, election system, political propaganda, and the British election practices. Domestic political problems experienced by Russia in the early 20th century and the proliferation of revolutionary ideas produced a significant impact on the socio-political discourse. The work of Russia’s first Parliament, the State Duma, and the development of a multi-party parliamentary system were scrutinized by Russian liberals. Election practices and the introduction of universal suffrage were assessed against the backdrop of foreign election practices, British election practices in particular. The article analyzes V. V. Vodovozov’s, N. I. Lazorevsky’s, V. F. Matveev’s, V. F. Deryuzhinsky’s views on the changes pervading the Russian political system. It underlines the political philosopher’s keen interest in the investigation of British party practices and democratic values. The article maintains that Russian liberals were interested in the investigation of British political life. It deals with Russian liberals’ views on further democratization of Russia, people’s engagement in political life, the proliferation of political and civil rights and freedoms, including the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, and the freedom of petition.


Keywords: election; civil rights; democratic values; suffrage; liberal; socio-political thought; parliament; party; party system; petition.



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