Getman D. I.

Sanitary Supervision in St. Petersburg in the Second Half  of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries Р. 26 -32.

UDC  94(471.23-25).083

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.003

Abstract. The article focuses on sanitary control bodies that carried out sanitary supervision in St. Petersburg in the second half of the 19th century — early 20th centuries. It deals with prerequisites to the development of the system of sanitary supervision. It investigates the actions undertaken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The article enumerates both negative and positive aspects of St. Petersburg district health officer and describes the main functions of the city sanitary and hygienic laboratory which ensured the improvement of the city sanitary state during the period.

Keywords: sanitary supervision, medical institutions, police doctors, Medical Charter, infectious diseases, sanitary control bodies, Municipal Chemical and Bacteriological Laboratory.



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