Demichev А. А.

V. Nikitenko’s Diary as a Source of Information on Jurors in Post-reform Russia P. 18 –25.

UDC 930.2:343.195:94(47).082

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.002

Abstract. The article presents the first attempt to investigate a renowned Russian philologist A. V. Nikitenko’s Diary as a source of information for jurors in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century in the context of source studies and historical methodology. The article underlines some specific peculiarities of a diary as a variety of personal information source. The researcher maintains that A. V. Nikitenko’s Diary has characteristics typical of a historical source. Chronologically, the Diary is the first personal document which contains inside information about a juror trial, for it is written by a person serving on a jury. The Diary fails to provide facts and details related to the problems associated with Russian juror trials, however it contains first-hand assessments and information collected from other sources The significance of the Diary as a source of research information is accounted for by the fact that it presents social opinions and personal views on Alexander II’s reforms and describes conservatives’ attempts to mitigate the impact of reforms and to defy innovations.



Keywords: judicial reform of 1864, juror trial, personal information documents, diaries, A. V. Nikitenko.



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