Dymchak D. I.

Hegemony as a key CONCEPT of Antonio Gramsci’s Political Philosophy Р. 78-86.

UDC  32::1(450)

The article focuses on the formation and development of the concept of hegemony in an Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci’s political theory. It also treats the historiography of this concept, tracing back its genesis and evolution, focusing on the links relating the concept of hegemony to history and civil society. Antonio Gramsci analyzed the experience of the Italian labor movement of the two red years (1919–1921) and fascist dictatorship established in 1926. Antonio Gramsci treated the foundation of the Italian Communist Party and the struggle against social reforms as a basis for the investigation of the party role in the establishment of political hegemony and socialist revolution. Being imprisoned by the fascist government (1926–1937), Antonio Gramsci created an original concept of hegemony, which is an ethical political category, not an economic category. Special attention was given to the role of intelligentsia in the process of establishing hegemony as a major mechanism of molecular revolution. Antonio Gramsci’s concept serves as a basis for Neo-Marxism, is accepted by theoreticians of the Frankfurt school and the Eurocommunist trend and is incorporated into modern political technologies. The article is addressed to historians and political scientists who are interested in the development of European social thought of the mid-20th century and the influence it produced on modern political processes.

hegemony; civil society; Italian Communist Party; Eurocommunism; historical unit; molecular revolution



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