Zverev K. A.

Russian Education in Independent Latvia:  Reforms of the 1990s–2010s P. 80-

UDC 37(=161.1)(474.3)«1990/2010»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.009

Abstract. The article treats the development of Russian minority schools in independent Latvia from 1992 to 2020. It also focuses on education reforms promoted by the Latvian government. When

Latvia gained independence from the Soviet Union, the country had the system of bilingual education which enabled people to acquire primary, secondary and tertiary education in both the Latvian and Russian languages. When in the 1990s nationalists rose to power and the Soviet occupation was denounced, Russian minority schools underwent some changes. First amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act were introduced in 1995. It was stipulated that Russian minority schools should teach some of the subjects in Latvian. More profound reforms were introduced in 2004. The new law stipulated that in secondary schools a minimum of 60 percent of teaching hours should be in Latvian. 2017 saw another wave of reforms. Senior schoolchildren were expected to get their education in Latvian, while middle-school students were expected to study only some of the subjects in Latvian. The Latvian authorities claim that the reforms, which will be completed in 2021, are expected to motivate ethnic minority groups to learn the state language. The present research is aimed at the examination of the reform of minority education. The article analyzes statistical data provided by public organizations and the Latvian Ministry of Education and some other sources in the Latvian language.


Keywords: Russian-speaking minority in Latvia, Russian education, educational reforms, minority schools.



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