Mitrofanov V. V.

“Tell Sergey Fedorovich his most loyal student sends him her best regards”: M. A. Postnikova’s (Alexandrova’s) Letters from Khabarovsk P. 15-27.

UDC 378.6(092)(571.620)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.68.3.002


The biography of a remarkable woman Maria Alekseyevna Postnikova (Alexandrova), a well-known founder of the system of education in Central Russia and the first head of Ryazan Teachers’ Institute, still contains a lot of uninvestigated facts. Five officers and two educators descended from a distinguished noble family of Postnikov. The analyzed epistolary evidence enables the author to identify the circle of Maria Alekseyevna’s good acquaintances acquired at soirees held by the Platonovs on Wednesdays, at meetings of Forsten’s study group, through her teaching activities at Higher Women’s Courses (aka the Bestuzhev’s Courses), at the Teachers’ Institute and in the Archaeographic Commission.

Historiography of the investigated issue is continually widening. M. A. Postnikova’s letters addressed to S. F. Platonov, an outstanding founder of the system of education in Russia, M. A. Postnikova’s research supervisor, a person responsible for M. A. Postnikova’s appointment to Ryazan, are especially valuable. The article analyzes previously uninvestigated letters addressed by M. A. Postnikova to S. F. Platonov.

The analysis of A. E. Presnyakov’s letters enables the author to identify the beginning of Postnikova’s research activities. The article analyzes a previously unknown letter addressed by M. A. Postnikova to Alexander Evgenyevich Presnyakov, S. F. Platonov’s most famous student. You can see a line from this letter in the title of the article.


Presnyakov A. E.; archival materials; Forsten’s study groups; Postnikova M. A. (Alexandrova); research interests; Platonov’s Wednesdays; letters; Platonov S. F.; Khabarovsk



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