Nikiforov D. I.

Serbia and the Support of an Uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875–1878 ” P.  88-97.

UDC  327(497.1:497.6)«1875/1878»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.009

Abstract. The article investigates the contribution of the Principality of Serbia to supporting an uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875–1878. The fact that the Principality of Serbia supported the uprising worsened the already strained relationship between the Principality of Serbia and the Ottoman Empire, which resulted in the concentration of Turkish armed forces near the borders of the countries. Some public figures, such as metropolitan Mikhail, initiated charitable donations to help Serbian citizensliving in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They established committees in support of the uprising, they transported volunteers to Bosnia and Herzegovina, they supplied weapons and money to the rebels. General Ranko Alimpic played a key role in the events on the Serbia-Bosnia border. The author concludes that despite the fact that the Principality of Serbia supported the rebels of Herzegovina, especially such pro-Serbian rebels as Mico Ljubibratic, the influence of the Principality of Serbia in Bosnia was more obvious, for Bosnia was vital to Montenegro interest. Even though the Principality of Serbia provided support to Bosnia, the Principality of Serbia failed to profit from it, for it was under pressure from Austria-Hungary.


Keywords: Principality of Serbia, uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875–1878, committees in support of the uprising, Metropolitan Mikhail, Nico Ljubibratic, Vaco Vidovic, Montenegro, Brodok Committee, Belgorod Committee, Herceg-Novi Committee.



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