Nikonov O. А.

Khadija Mirza Agasi, an Unrecognized Genius?   P.90-99.

UDC 94(55)(092)«18»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.010

Abstract. The article analyzes Iranian reforms undertaken by the khadija Mirza Agasi as the leader of the Iranian government. It also investigates the role the first vizier played in the modernization of the country. The author concludes that the majority of reforms initiated by the leader remained unimplemented not because of their mediocre character but because of the passive nature of Iranian elite and feudal representatives’ desire to hinder social and economic innovations. The efforts of the first minister were aimed at the fortification of Iranian nationhood and sovereignty. The minister tried to thwart Russian and British aggression, he had to take difficult and often unpopular decisions, which explains why Russian and foreign historians believe his actions to be detrimental to Iran. The analysis of archival materials shows that having limited resources the first minster managed to resist external pressure and attempted to renovate the Iranian economy, which served as a basis for the reforms of the mid-19th century. The minister’s broad-mindedness, his readiness to work on pragmatic goals, his ability to discard social and religious stereotypes for the benefit of the country earned Mirza Agasi the fame of a prominent Iranian statesman of the early 19th century. The author of the article believes that the minister, whose achievements are unfairly neglected by historians, could steer Iran out of stagnation and external subordination.

Keywords: Great Britain, Iran, international relations, first vizier, state reforms, Russian Empire.



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