Povalishnikova S. R., Zakharova O. V.

Everyday Life of German Prisoners of War in the Russian Empire during World War I (on the basis of personal documents) P. 67-76.

UDC 39(09):341.34(=112.2)(47+57)«1914/1918»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.68.3.007


The vast majority of modern Russian research is aimed at the investigation of the position of Russian prisoners of war during World War I. The present article attempts to analyze the conditions of everyday life of German prisoners of war who lived in the Russian Empire during World War I. The conditions largely depended on the rank and nationality of prisoners of war. The article analyzes personal documents. It focuses on memoirs written by E. Ludensdorff (German general), A. Kurt (German journalist), who lived in Eastern Siberia, and E. Dwinger (German prisoner of war).


World War I; prisoners of war in the Russian Empire; status; conditions of life, everyday life



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