Popova O. D.

Russian People’s Ideas about Living Standard Improvement Strategies   as a Reflection of Russian Mentality of the Early 20th Century Р. 41-51.

UDC 339.1(47+57)(09)«19»

The article analyzes the peculiarities of the public mind of the 20th century. It investigates unpublished letters sent by Russian citizens of different social classes to the first and the second Dumas and letters addressed to the Emperor. The authors of these letters suggest various strategies aimed at improving living standards, regulating employer-employee relationships in factories and shops, overcoming alcohol addiction. The article shows that in their letters, people expressed both rational and irrational ideas. The analysis of these letters shows that people did not understand the process of urbanization, saw no benefits of technical progress, adhered to the principles of luddism. Russian people were often susceptible to the influence of the opposition. They supported the idea of an 8-hour work day. However, they did not understand many principles of social functioning. The concept of social responsibility of businesses was largely underdeveloped, while the ideas of paternalism were widely accepted. Living standards improvement strategies were closely related to rigid control measures and governmental supervision of social institutions.


public mind; mentality; paternalism; employees; living standards; urbanization



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