Potashova X. A.

Raphael’s Genius as Reflected  in V. A. Zhukovsky’s and A. S. Pushkin’s Works:  to the Issue of W. H. Wackenroder’s Influence  on Russian Literature              P. 121-129.

UDC 821.112.2:821.161.1-1.09«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.013

Abstract. The theoretical novelty of the article consists in the investigation of the unique synthesis of verbal and visual aspects of V. A. Zhukovsky’s and A. S. Pushkin’s works. The comparative analysis of A. S. Pushkin’s “Unfinished Painting”, S. P. Shevyrev’s “Transfiguration”, V. A. Zhukovsky’s “The Sistine Madonna” and W. H. Wackenroder’s “Raphael’s Vision” focuses on the impact Raphael’s aesthetics produced on the romantic concept of a painter’s work, and spiritual inspiration. The article investigates Zhukovsky’s aesthetic essay “The Sistine Madonna” through the prism of ekphrastic works, association-based descriptions of a visual work of art. The article maintains that the romantic poets’ infatuation with Raphael Santi can be explained both by the spiritual and moral atmosphere of the first third of the 19th century and by V. A. Zhukovsky’s and A. S. Pushkin’s personal aesthetic preferences.


Keywords: artistic image, ekphrasis, visualization mechanisms, Raphael, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin.


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