Sarayeva D. V., Zakharova O. V.

From Conservatism to Fascism:  Oswald Mosley’s Search for the Idea of the National Resurrection of Great Britain P. 73-79.

UDC 94(410).085

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.008

Abstract. The article analyzes the formation and transformation of Oswald Mosley’s political views from conservatism via social-democracy to fascism which was expected to enhance patriotism and national pride. Mosley’s political ideas promoted and facilitated the formation of political parties and organizations of the British Union of Fascists, British National Front, and the British National Party. All the above-mentioned organizations propagated the idea of the national resurrection of Great Britain through radical reforms in the government and economy. The research shows that Mosley, as well as other ideologists of fascism, was a proponent of active governmental intervention in all the spheres of public life and the extension of powers exercised by government executives.

Keywords: Oswald Mosley, Parliament, political program, British Union of Fascists, Blackshirts, patriotism, national pride, fascism.


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