Tryakhov I. S.

Tryakhov I. S.

Subsidiary Farming as a Solution to Food Insecurity during World War II  (using the example of rearward towns of the Vladimir Region) Р. 54-63.

UDC 94(470.314).084.8

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.006

Abstract. The article treats the role rearward subsidiary farms played in solving food insecurity during World War II. It also focuses on the processes of their functioning and expansion. The research investigates regional party documents stored in the State Archive of the Vladimir Region. The article centres on the fact that the government and the party expected rearward areas to satisfy their nutritional needs. Due to its favourable location, the Vladimir Region offered numerous evacuees a safe haven. The analysis of archival documents enables the author to conclude that the war exacerbated food insecurity and urged local population to expand cultivated lands in order to alleviate the perils of hunger. However, many factory leaders believed subsidiary farming to be an unfortunate encumbrance and did not provide the necessary assistance. Document analysis shows that misjudgements and blunders of the political and military authorities of the Soviet Union resulted in miscalculated attempts to meet national security needs. Subsidiary farms were an essential asset for solving food insecurity both during and after World War II.


Keywords: World War II, kitchen gardens, subsidiary farms, food insecurity, survival strategy, rearward areas.


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