Tryakhov I. S.

Infectious morbidity of the population during the Great Patriotic War (based on materials from the Vladimir Region). Pp. 28–40.

UDC 94(470.314).084.8

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.003


Abstract. The relevance of the research lies in the study of historical experience in combating infections in extreme conditions. During the hard years of the war, the socio-economic situation radically deteriorated not only in the territories of the USSR that succumbed to temporary occupation, but also in the rearwards. In this work, so as to study the issue of combating infections, the author turns to the country’s region that changed its rear position during the war. The purpose of the article is to identify the dynamics of infectious diseases in the region, as well as ways to combat the spread of infections during the Great Patriotic War within the borders of the modern Vladimir Region. To solve the problem, we pooled sources from the state archives of the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions, as well as documents from both party bodies and medical institutions. The historical-geopolitical approach, as the basis of the study, assumes that the health of the nation is the basis of national security. As a result of the study, it can be stated that the situation with infectious diseases in the Vladimir Region deteriorated in the fall of 1941 and reached its lowest by the spring of 1942. The highest rates were observed for typhus and typhoid fever, dysentery, measles, and scarlet fever, which were recorded in other rear regions of Russia at approximately the same time. The reasons for the increase in incidence were large-scale migrations, accompanied by low epidemic control by local authorities and medical services. In addition, living conditions were difficult, and food remained meager and monotonous. In the subsequent years of the war/ the situation somewhat improved. The state and local authorities took steps aimed at combating the spread of infectious diseases, thanks to which the epidemiological situation in the Vladimir Region was stabilized.


Keywords: Great Patriotic War, infectious morbidity, medical care, sanitary and epidemiological situation, mortality.




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