Fedoseeva T. V., Ushakova D. O.

J. P. Polonsky’s Bibliographical Essays P.116- 126

UDC 821.161.1-312.6.09«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.011

Abstract. The article investigates genre peculiarities of little-investigated essays by J. P. Polonsky. The novelty of the research consists in the fact that the paper presents a systematic analysis of a number of bibliographic essays: “Sayat Nova”, “Ivan Ivanovich Sokolov”, “Mey’s Book of Po-ems”, “Vladimir Grigryevich Benediktov”, “‘A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov’s Poems’: Analyzing J. P. Polonsky’s Poems”,“L A. Mey.as a Person and a Writer (Literary Memoirs)”. The analysis of texts published in different years enables the researchers to investigate typical features of J. P. Polonsky’s biographical essays. Biographical essays are a syncretic genre romanticising human individuality through biographical and mental descriptions. The syncretic nature of the genre consists in the unity of fictional and realistic details. A systematic analysis of J. P. Polonsky’s works is aimed at investigating their stylistic and structural peculiarities, the author’s choice of devices and strategies. J. P. Polonsky’s bibliographic essays are analytical. J. P. Polonsky’s early essays abound in his ideas and convictions. The analysis of J. P. Polonsky’s bibliographic essays about L. A. Mey, V. G. Benediktov, and A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov shows J. P. Polonsky’s views on a poet’s inner world. J. P. Polonsky’s bibliographic essays analyze both the author’s personality and the nature of their work. J. P. Polonsky analyzes historical, cultural, artistic and aesthetic aspects of works, analyzes the concept of a creative person.

Keywords: author’s strategy, documentary, essay, poet, creative person, essence of art, poetic gift, J. P. Polonsky.


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