Khoruzhenko O. I.
The “Nobleman” Solokhmir Miroslavich in Sources from 16th–17th Centuries P. 7 –19.
UDC 930.2:94(47).03
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.001
Abstract. The paper addresses the text of the legend about Solokhmir, who was a common ancestor to a number of Ryazan noble families. The data presented in the paper have been used by historians who study the history of the Ryazan Grand Principality and its genealogy. But most scholars addressed the latest version of the Solokhmir legend. Yet, this version differs from the earlier ones, precisely in those details that historians consider most important and interesting. The paper attempts to find out how the legend was formed, what information its early versions contained, and the way this information was later modified or replaced. The author has analyzed the texts of 36 copies of genealogical books in various editions and found that the legend exists in three main variants. The first two must have appeared in the second half of the 16th century, and the third edition was made as late as in the 1680s. The author demonstrates that the latest version of the legend is the least reliable, since its data are supported by obviously falsified (interpolated) sources. The author supposes that the results of the study will lead to significant corrections of opinions that have long been firmly established in historical and genealogical literature.
Keywords: textual studies, genealogy, lineage lists, Ryazan nobility, Grand Princes of Ryazan.
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