Yamskikh G. Yu., Lebedeva N. V., Makarchuk D. E., Zharinova N. Yu., Brungardt V. O., Bochka V. V.

The Paleographic Conditions of the Holocene in the Valley of the Oia River    (the South Minusinsk Hollow)Р. 96- 110.

UDC 551.8(282.251.2)

Relying on the results of the spore-and-pollen analysis, botanic analysis, and malacofaunistic analysis of peat deposits of the Ivanovskoye peat bog, the article reconstructs paleographic conditions of the valley of the Oia river (the South Minusinsk Hollow) typical of the late Holocene. The Ivanovskoye peat bog is situated at the right bank of the Oia river, five km northeast of the village of Shoushenskoye and four km northwest of the village of Ivanovskoye (near the hamlet of Kozlovo). A complex investigation of peat deposits of the Ivanovskoye peat bog enables the researchers to reconstruct paleographic conditions and vegetation dynamics of the Oia river during the Holocene. According to radiocarbon dating, the basal level of peat deposits corresponds to the late Atlantic – early Subboreal. The results of the spore-and-pollen analysis show that steppe landscapes prevailed in the Oia valley in the Late Holocene. Depending on the climatic conditions, there were cereal steppes, wormwood steppes, goosefoot steppes, and motley grass steppes. The valley was surrounded by heights overgrown with forest trees. The climate of the mid-Subboreal was cold and humid. The late-Subboreal and the beginning of the late-Subatlantic were characterized by higher temperatures and higher humidity. The end of the early Subatlantic is characterized by lower temperatures and relative humidity. The main climate changes indicators are Gyraulus laevis, Vallonia pulchella, Vallonia enniensis, Galba truncatula, and Pupilla muscorium.

paleographic conditions; late Holocene; spore-and-pollen analysis; peat composition; paleo-malacofauna; radiocarbon dating; South Minusinsk Hollow



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