2011-№3(32) Our authors

Galkina Elena Sergeevna – Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of History at Moscow Pedagogical State University.

Research interests: the theory of ethnos and ethnic processes, ethno political history of North Eurasia.

Contact information: Phone No. (Res) +7(496)255-58-94, Mob. No +7-903-783-25-08; e-mail: galkina-es@yandex.ru

Ilaltdinova Elena Yuryevna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages (Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy) at Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Head of Department, Researcher in the Laboratory «A.S. Makarenko’s Social Pedagogy».

Research interests: general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.

Contact information: Phone No. (Res) (831)251-74-71, (Ofc) 905-192-23-48; e-mail: ilaltdin@mail.ru

Ioffe Emanuil Grigoryevich – Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Law at Belarusian State Pedagogical University named for M. Tank.

Research interests: Belarusian social and economic history.

Contact information: Phone No. (Res.) 8-375(172)284-83-75; e-mail: mach1939@mail.ru

Klimova Svetlana Mushailovna – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor in the Department of Philosophy of Belgorod State University.

Research interests: Russian philosophy, Russian literature, V.V. Rosanov’s, N.N. Strakhov’s and V.S. Solovyev’s works.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) (4722)30-11-17; e-mail: SKlimova@bsu.edu.ru

Lavrov Aleksandr Mikhaylovich – Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of General and Theoretical Physics at International Law Department at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: the theory of generalized functions and the theory of differential equations of different types and their applicability to various tasks of functional analysis, theoretical and mathematical sciences, statistical radiotechnics and the theory of signals.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) (8-4912)28-05-86, (Res) (8-4912)44-21-22; e-mail: a.lavrov@rsu.edu.ru

Lazarev Jury Vasilevich – Сandidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor of journalism department at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: pedagogical journalism, publicism, methods of teaching literature.

Contact information: Mob. No. 8-920-971-00-50; e-mail: jurnalist.rgu@gmail.com

Litvinyuk Marina Aleksandrovna – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Literature and Literature Teaching Methodology at Orsk Humanitarian-Technology Institute.

Research interests: N.M. Karamzin and his works.

Contact information: e-mail: sailorman27@yandex.ru

Максаковский Владимир Павлович – доктор географических наук, профессор, академик Российской академии образования, заведующий кафедрой экономической и социальной географии Московского педагогического государственного университета.

Сфера научных интересов: общая педагогика, образование, методика преподавания географии.

Контактная информация: тел. (495)683-79-03.

Maksakovskiy Vladimir Pavlovich – Doctor of Geography, Professor, Academician of RAE, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography at Moscow Pedagogical State University.

Research interests: general pedagogy, education, geography teaching methodology.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) (495)683-79-03.

Petrov Alexey Vladimirovich – Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of Russian Classical Literature at Magnitogorsk State University.

Research interests: Russian literary history, literary theory, the history of 18–19 century Russian journalism, comparative literary criticism, history of ideas.

Contact information: Mob. No. 8-904-975-30-60; e-mail: alexpetrov72@mail.ru

Starikov Anatoliy Stepanovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor in the Department of Personality Psychology, Special Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.

Research interests: neurophysiology, history of medicine.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) (4912)25-89-54.

Solovyev Alexander Vasilyevich – Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Culturology Department at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: philosophy, culturology.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) (4912)46-07-08 extension 2200, Mob. No. 8-910-901-45-06; e-mail: soloviev.al@gmail.com

Strahov Vasiliy Vyacheslavovich – Candidate of History, Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor in the Department of Russian History at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: financial and economic development of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Contact information: e-mail: v.strahov@rsu.edu.ru

Strelets Michail Vasilyevich – Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of Social and Political Sciences and History at Brest State Technical University

Research interests: germanistics, history of science

Contact information: Phone No. (Res) 8-375(162)43-66-02; e-mail: mstrelez@mail.ru

Tregulov Vadim Victorovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of General and Theoretical Physics and Physics Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: physics and semiconductor material technology.

Contact information: Mob. No. 8-910-560-75-08; е-mail: trww@yandex.ru; v.tregulov@rsu.edu.ru

Trykov Valeriy Pavlovich – Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of World Literature at Moscow Pedagogical State University.

Research interests: French Literature of the 19–20th centuries.

Contact information: Mob. No. 8-916-390-65-09; e-mail: alex18@sumail.ru

Choub Vladimir Victorovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor in the Department of Plant Physiology at Moscow State University named for M.V. Lomonosov.

Research interests: plant physiology, plant growth and development, morphogenesis.

Contact information: Mob. No. 8-906-044-12-08; e-mail: choob_v@mail.ru
