2013-№3(40) Article 13

R.A. Sokolova

Theme of the Gulag in М.M. Prishvin’s and A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s works. p.129-138.

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UDC 94 (410)


The paper concerns the GULAG represented in the novel «The Czar’s Road» by M.M. Prishvin and in the story «Ivan Denisovich» by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Analysis of the works of writers suggests that the authors considered not only the theme of repression in the Soviet Russia – the destruction of the power of the people, but also the fate of Russia and the Russian people, the theme of conservation of the human personality in conditions of unfree-dom.

Prishvin and Solzhenitsyn showed that the country won the Soviet idea of the conquest of society, nature, human beings in the course of socialist construction. Writers perceived in-tent of the new device life by ordinary people as violence and cruelty. Solzhenitsyn, assessing one camp day of his hero, talks about infinity and the inhumanity of its conclusion. Prishvin ruthless victory «all» over the «everyone» passes through pictures of conquest of nature, in which nature appears deadly spectacle. But the main characters are writers, while in custody, remain free men, as the camp life did not change their inner world. Ordinary people, native people’s morality, sneaked through the trials of his soul pure, they embodied the solidity of the peasant and the habit of work, patience and the ability to adapt to the inhuman conditions, without being humiliated and not participating in tvorimom evil, while remaining inwardly free environment in captivity, keeping the name, language and homeland.


GULAG, Prishvin M.M., Solzhenitsyn A.I., the Soviet regime, repression, freedom of the individual.



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