2013-№4(41) Article 5

N.N. Ababkova

Ideological and theoretical basis of cultural policy in the south of the Far East of the Soviet union in the field of theatrical art at the initial stage of restructuring. p. 48-57.

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UDC 792.03 (571.6)

The paper treats the major aspects of Soviet cultural policy in the beginning of perestroika. The comparative analysis of cultural policies of the early Soviet Union and Gorbachev’s perestroika reveals the evolution of the country’s ideological and theoretical foundations. M.S. Gorbachev’s government unreservedly accepted V.I. Lenin’s basic principles. However new realia demanded new principles and new methods. The paper focuses on the development of theatrical art in the Far East. The analysis of archival documents allows one to single out major features of Soviet cultural policy in the Far East in the changing social, economic, and political conditions.

Far East, cultural policy, perestroika, soviet society, theatre.


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