2014-№4(45) Article 12

I.Yu. Davydova, Y.A. Mazhaysky, E.A. Davydov

Ecological features of pyrogenic soil of Ryazan Meschera. Р. 115-125.

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UDC 631.4


The paper treats the issue of soil recovery from catastrophic setbacks such as forest fires and peat forest fires in Meschera outwash terrains. The research focused on fire-hazardous soddy-podzolic, marsh-podzolic, and peat-marsh soils. The paper describes morphological characteristics of pyrogenic soils in comparison with their zonal soil analogues. The author underlines positive dynamics of self-recovery of fire-disturbed soil-vegetation cover. She maintains that ecological features of pyrogenic soils are predetermined by considerable changes of their chemical properties. The paper assesses the ecological situation in relation to the potential post-pyrogenic soil pollution with highly dangerous toxicant, benzo(a)pyrene. It treats ecological features of pyrogenic soils as a prerequisite of fire recovery in fire-hazard landscapes. The author maintains that it is necessary to reconstruct Meschera’s land reclamation systems to enable soil-vegetation recovery.

soils, southern taiga, forest, landscape, soil properties, soil ecology, environment quality



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