2014-№3(44) Article 1
E.V. Bogomolova
The program “information technologies in analytical activity” in graduate education in history. P. 7-14.
UDC 378.14
The paper analyzes a program “Information Technologies in Analytical Activity” leading to the Masters of History degree. It describes the aims of the program, its contents, methods, and instructional technologies. The paper maintains that the program should rely on both competence approach and culturological approach. Recently approved Russian state educational standards of higher professional education require the use of competency-based approach, which is practice-oriented and is aimed at acquiring practical problem-solving skills. The use of culturological approach is accounted for by the fact that future historians should be well-rounded and culturally literate. Culturological approach ensures the development of intercultural competence in history graduate students by creating a sociocultral space, expanding their professional vocabulary, and enriching their individual cultural pictures of the world.
methodological system of education, Masters of history, information technology, analytical activity, competency-based approach, culturological approach, Federal state educational standards of higher professional education, intercultural competence, sociocltural space
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