2015-№1(46) Article 1
L.A. Velikotskaya
The project method and philosophy in higher education. Р. 7-14.
UDC 378.147:1
The article substantiates the pedagogical topicality of utilizing the project method of teaching in students’ independent study in philosophy. The author summarizes her own pedagogical experience and recapitulates her colleagues’ pedagogical experience described in scholarly periodicals. The author weighs the concepts ‘educational technologies’ and ‘project method’ and underlines the importance of individualization of modern humanitarian education. The article reveals the effectiveness of various educational activities in the environment of a technical educational institution for moral, spiritual, and mental development of students. It describes the major stages of students’ independent project work and explains the teacher’s role in organizing this work. The article focuses on didactic and educational potential of seminar presentations on philosophy. It characterizes logical and aesthetical requirements for presentation slides, analyzes typical mistakes made by students, names the challenges of implementing the project method.
Teaching philosophy, student, personality, value, moral and spiritual education
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