2015-№2(47) Article 1

A.A. Kolesnikov

Career oriented training at a linguistic institute. P. 7-16.

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UDC 378.147:811.112.2


The paper underlines the necessity of ensuring career oriented training of novice linguists (foreign language students) at higher educational institutions. The author maintains that in modern conditions linguistic education should not be limited to purely philological activities, such as close reading, for example, but should concentrate on intercultural communication and be aimed at developing multilingual personalities. The author names two major factors that predetermine the necessity of ensuring linguistics students’ career oriented training and career guidance, namely the necessity to comply with the requirements of modern information society and students’ own needs. The author’s conclusion is fully supported by the results of questionnaires that have been completed by linguistic students during several years. The author stipulates the aims and the major characteristics of linguistic students’ career oriented training and sets goals for further research.

Career oriented training, philological education, foreign languages, professional competence



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