2015-№2(47) Article 3

V.A. Gubin, O.P. Afanasyeva

Gradual development of psychological characteristics responsible for academic achievement in children who study at secondary educational institutions with healthcare environment. P. 24-31.

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UDC 376


The article focuses on the implementation of a program of psychological and pedagogical assistance to adolescent students who get education at health centers. The program is aimed at reducing anxiety, fear, and emotional tension, building self-esteem, improving learning skills, promoting emotional and motivational development. The program relies on the principles of student teacher and student-student cooperation and takes into consideration the peculiarities of adolescent development. The program was developed and tested as a part of thesis research for the degree of PhD in psychology. The article sums up the program and provides effectiveness assessment results.

Psychological and pedagogical support, education effectiveness, peculiarities of adolescent development, educational health center



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