2015-№4(49) Article 13

S.V. Galchenko, Yu.A. Mazhaysky, T.M. Guseva, A.S. Cherdakova

Phytoremediation of urban soils contaminated by heavy metals, using ornamental flower crops. P. 143-152.

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UDC 57.033


This article presents the results of a series of experimental laboratory and field studies to assess the ability of the decorative flower crops used for urban greening, to the accumulation of heavy metals in their bodies — phytoremediation, which contributes to improvement of the state of the urbanized territories. As the test objects were considered five flower cultures: tulips (Tulipa), marigold (Tagetes), Amaranth (Amaranthus), salvia (Salvia) and cineraria (Cineraria).
Studies have been conducted in the framework of the project, supported by RFBR grant 15-05-04554 № “Phytoremediation of urban soils contaminated by heavy metals, ornamental flower crops and lawn grasses”.

decorative floral culture, the coefficients of biological accumulation, heavy metals, urban areas, phytoremediation of soils



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