2015-№4(49) Article 5

A.S. Gavrikova

Assessment of the perception of British political experience of the Russian political circles in the XIX century.P. 56-63.

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UDC 323(42)(47)“49”


The article treats various trends of Russian political thought and focuses on the Russian perception of European political experience and British political experience in particular. The article centers on the evolution of the British political system of the 19th century, such as the development of the institutions of political parties, electoral rights, civil society, legal, national and civil awareness. Russian political philosophers could not ignore British political experience. Russian politicians analyzed British reforms, which brought about social and political innovations without discarding English traditions. The article treats the similarities and differences between British and Russian political systems to see whether the British model of political evolution can be applied to the Russian political system.

Conservatism, constitutionalism, democracy, elections, electorate, electoral system, evolution, government, liberalism, modernization, monarchy, рarliament, parliamentary reform, party politics, political system, radicalism, reform, transformation



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