2015-№4(49) Article 7

M.R. Yusupov

Cultural and educational activity of the Urals Zemstva at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries: people’s houses. P. 74-85.

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UDC 37(09)(471.50)


The article touches upon the issue of the zemsky self-government development peculiarities in the Urals in the context of cultural and educational activity. It is given the verbose listing of the People’s Houses project characteristics represented by governorate zemstva of Ufa, Vyatka and Perm. It is considered the reasons of People’s Houses creation. There is made the conclusion about those how the zemsky self-government organs in the Urals strove to deploy the net of People’s Houses in their governorates with the active assistance of the local communities and public organizations. It is noted that People’s Houses and other useful entertainment for the people were only the beginning, mainly it was plans and blueprints. There was need of help from the government, public organizations, various local associations, cooperatives, temperance society guardianship committees and others.

out-of-school education, Vyatka governorate zemstvo, zemstva, cultural and educational activity, local self-government, People’s House, adult education, Orenburg governorate zemstvo, Perm governorate zemstvo, Ufa governorate zemstvo



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