2016-№3(52) Article 1

M.N. Artemenkov

European penitentiary system as reflected in A. Passek’s proposals for prison reform. P. 7- 15.


UDC 343.81(09)(47)“18”

The paper treats A. Passek’s proposals for penal reform in the Russian Empire. A. Passek’s proposals for prison reform are based on the principles of European penitentiary system and take into consideration the goals and tasks of penal servitude. The paper focuses on the theoretical and practical grounds of prison reforms which brought about the formation of new penitentiary institutions and correctional facilities. The paper also focuses on the research conducted by legal scholars of the mid-19th century, who highlighted the importance of individualized penal treatment, emphasized the importance of considering such factors as age, sex, etc., indicated the importance of social rehabilitation and teaching carried out by charitable institutions. The theoretical and practical research conducted by Russian legal scholars of the mid-19th century resulted in the prison reform, one of the Great reforms conducted during the reign of Alexander II.

Russian empire, penitentiary system, prison reform, penal servitude, penal history.


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