2016-№3(52) Article 10

T.V. Fedosseyeva

On literary anthropology and anthropocentrism of modern literary criticism. P.72- 82.


UDC 82.0:572

The article deals with theoretical, terminological, and methodological aspects of modern Russian literary criticism. It focuses on the literary understanding of a human being as a creator, character, and reader. The article provides a retrospective analysis of literary criticism of the 1990s-2000s and centers on literary theories elaborated by M.M. Bakhtin, V.V. Vinogradov, and B.O. Korman. The analysis of modern literary criticism highlights the difference between such terminological concepts as ‘literary anthropology’, ‘anthropological poetics’ ‘anthropological criticism’. Literary anthropology focuses on a literary work itself, on the author’s perception of the world and the characters. Anthropological poetics deals with the stylistic devices used by the author to share his views and ideas with the reader. Anthropological criticism, which centers on the writer-reader relationships, employs hermeneutical, historical, ontological, psychological, philosophical, phenomenological, and aesthetical analyses.

author, anthropological poetics, character, literature, literary work, literary anthropology, anthropological criticism, modern literary criticism, reader.


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