2016-№3(52) Article 12

E.E. Amelina

Confession as a form of narrative organization in G. Eliot’s novel “The lifted veil .P. 89- 96.


UDC 821.111-32.09 «18»

The paper analyzes G. Eliot’s novel “The Lifted Veil” from the point of view of its narrative organization. G. Eliot’s choice of confessional writing reveals the author’s interest in human psyche and in borderline states typical of the late 19th century. The religious aspect of a confession, which is originally understood as a holy sacrament of repentance, is intertwined with narrative and autobiographical aspects. The main character’s story is a posthumous confession in which he lingers on certain moments of his life. Alongside with grammatically correct reflections and meditations, the character’s inner monologues comprise ungrammatical sentence structures representing subconscious thoughts. The character seeks forgiveness and hopes for empathy. The chosen narrative technique allows the writer to present a profound sketch of the character’s inner world, with the focus on reflection and psychological analysis. The analyzed work of fiction centers on the main character, his personal point of view. The storyteller’s unique ability to hear other people’s thoughts, penetrating into the depths of their consciousness, allows G. Eliot to profit both from the technique of first-person narrative and the technique of omniscient narrative.

autobiography, English novel of the late 19th century, confession, psychology


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