2016-№3(52) Article 16

A.G. Golodov

Role and methods of German popular mass media in information war. P.126- 133.


UDC 002.5(430)

The article surveys the role of a popular mass newspaper “BILD” in present information war as well as some ways and methods used for this purpose. It is this very newspaper that has headed antirussian propaganda in Germany fulfilling the foreign order in the interests of “transatlantic friendship”. The aim is to make German political leaders stick to the proamerican course. Nowadays the war is conducted not by means of the army and soldiers but by means of mass media. The methods of verbal manipulation are quite popular in the German newspaper language and they are used whenever the necessity to inform the readers about conflicts in a ‘politically correct way” appears in order to protect the interests of the western democracy. Some articles from the newspaper BILD touch upon political personalities that disagree with the one-sided approach of the ruling class of Germany to Russia. All of them are presented in the corresponding articles as “those who understand Putin”. Negative connotation is achieved here by means of discreditable vocabulary.

German, popular, mass media, antirussian propaganda, methods of verbal manipulation, discreditable vocabulary.


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