2016-№3(52) Article 18

S.M. Vdovin, S.A.Yamashkin, A.A. Yamashkin, O.A. Zarubin

Geoportal as a national landscape model. P. 146-154.


UDC 550(47)

National landscape exploration requires spatial and temporal systematization of vast amounts of information that accounts for nature-society interactions at the local and regional levels. The geoportal of the Russian Geographical Society Department of the Republic of Mordovia uses innovative technologies to secure the efficient collection, storage, processing and implementation of topical local landscape information. The geoportal hosts the Electronic Map of the Republic of Mordovia, which enables concurrent multiuser editing and spatial-temporal systematization of the national landscape. It also hosts the Geographic Atlas of the Republic of Mordovia, which contains information regarding the local environmental conditions and natural resources, history, population, resource management, natural and cultural-historical heritage. The geoportal also hosts the Knowledge Database, which presents electronic versions of complex researches on environmental aspects of urban planning, protected areas, environmental expertise of geotechnical systems. The geoportal relies on information provided by the Regional Geographic Information System (GIS) of the Republic of Mordovia and on space image data.

Remote sensing data analysis, geoportal, geographic information systems, national landscape, cultural landscape.


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