2016-№3(52) Article 21

O.I. Puzyreva

Educator, scientist, organizer of research work (on the 75th anniversary of V.A. Fadeyev). P. 172- 180.


UDC 37(092.2)

The paper descrides educftional and organizational activities of the Honoraru Proressor of RSU named after S.A. Yessenin, Honoraru Figure of Higher Education, proressor of education V.A. Fadeyev who dedicated 52 years of his life to the Russian education sustem and 41 years of them to Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yessenin. In the intervening years he worked as a teacher at a rural and an urban secondaru school,a vocational school and a professional college. Having returned to his Alma Mater, he worked his way up from a post-graduate student to a proressor, a vice-rector for research who made a significant personal contribution to the development of university teachers and students’ research work and training of highly qualified academic fnd research staff. Apart from the main profes-sional activities, was engaged in social and educational activities in the regional community: he was head of the regional branch of the Russian pedagogical society, he was repeatedly elected to the various elect-ed bodies of the city of Ryazan, he lectured for employees of enterprises, organizations and the teaching community of Ryazan Region.

V.A. Fadeyev, higner education, academic research work, teaching activities, training of aca-demic and research staff, dual education system, training and education work at a uniyersity.


1. Analiticheskaya spravka o sostoyanii nauchno-issledovatel’skoy raboty v Ryazanskom gosudarstvennom pedagogicheskom universitete imeni S.A. Yessenina po resul’tatam attestatsii 2002 goda [Analytical report on the status of research work in Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yessenin based on the results of the certification in 2002] [Text] / Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. — Moscow, 2002. — P. 1.

2. Liferov, A.P. Ryazanskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet: traditsii, sovremennost’, ustremlyonnost’ v budushcheye [Ryazan State University: traditions, contemporaneity, focus on the future] [Text] // Bulletin of Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yessenin. — 2005. — N 2(12). — P. 3–9.

3. Nauka v Ryazanskom gosudarstvennom pedagogicheskom universitete imeni S.A. Yes-senina [Science and research at Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yessenin] [Text] / originator V.A. Fadeyev ; Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yessenin. — Ryazan, 2005. — 32 p.

4. Ryazanskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet imeni S.A. Yessenina: istoriya stanovleniya i razvitiya (k 100-letiyu obrazovaniya vuza) [Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yessenin: the history of formation and development (on the occasion of the centenary of the university foundation)] [Text] / under the general editorship of A.A. Zimin. — Ryazan: Russian Word Publ., 2015. — 480 p.
