2016-№3(52) Статья 3

O.E. Safonova

Voluntary non-political organizations of the Ryazan region in the late 19th – early 20th centuries: structure, functioning, participants. Р. 21- 31.


UDC 006.2(09)(Р473.8)

The article analyzes the documents of the Ryazan State Archive to investigate the structure, le-gal basis, financial situation, and membership of voluntary non-political organizations of the Ryazan region in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. The issue is worth investigating because it can serve as a precedent in modern Russia, where there are many voluntary organizations. The article provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the participants and leaders of such organizations, of their financial situation, the sphere of their activities. The article shows that the legal and structural unification of Ryazan voluntary non-political organizations resulted from administrative regulation and control.

voluntary organizations, Ryazan region, member meeting, operating agreement.


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