2016-№3(52) Article 9

A.M. Yermakov

Corruption of youth in Nazi Anti-Semitism movements: a myth of the racial desecration in Julius Streicher’s propaganda. P. 65 – 71.


UDC 323.12

The article deals with the content of the anti-Semitic myth of racial desecration and the methods of spreading it among children and adolescents of Nazi Germany. The article maintains that Julius Streicher, the Gauleiter of Franconia, used his annual newspaper The Stormer to spread anti-humanistic ideas and to popularize anti-Semitism movements among adult and adolescent readers of the Third Reich. The policy of the corruption of the young generation of the Third Reich has no analogues in the world. The article shows that Nazi Germany relied on all kinds of anti-Semitic propaganda, including propaganda based on unhealthy sexual practices undermining traditional social and moral values. The article maintains that in order to spread pathological hatred towards Jewish population national socialists never hesitated to impose unhealthy sexual activities and violate traditional moral values. Influenced by anti-Semitic propaganda, many adult Germans lost their moral values and promoted the myth of the racial desecration among children and adolescents.

anti-Semitism, national socialist, Nuremberg laws, racism, sexuality, the Third Reich, Holocaust, Julius Streicher


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