2016 №1(50) Article 11

L.A. Ruzhinskaya

The demographic trends in the Ryazan region: assessments and perspectives. P. 105-118.

UDC 314.9(470.313):33


The paper analyzes the demographic trends in the Ryazan region. To single out the demographic developments in the Ryazan region, the paper investigates natural population dynamics, crude birth rates and cumulative birth rates, mortality rates and infant mortality rates, mortality structure, natural population increase and population loss due to natural causes, average life expectancy, demographic dependency ratio, and population shifts in the region. The paper relies on official statistics collected by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service and the Ryazan Regional Office of the Federal Statistics Service. The paper singles out the factors that influence the demographic situation in the region. The paper analyzes the perspectives of population dynamics in the subjects of the Russian Federation (up to 2030) and investigates a potential scenario of demographic developments taking into consideration gradual improvement of social and economic situation in the Russian Federation.

birth rate, mortality rate, natural increase, natural loss, life expectancy, population shifts.


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