2016 №2 (51) Article 3

A.A. Krivushin

The elective course on solar-terrestrial physics for physical and mathematical schools. P. 26- 35

UDC 372.853


The paper centers on the embedding of the elective course of solar-terrestrial physics in the curricula of specialized physical and mathematical schools. The course reflects the contemporary ideas on the solar-terrestrial system and is required by the new education standard. The paper describes the content of the course and the forms in which it can be used in institutions of higher education. It analyzes the interdisciplinary relations between the course solar-terrestrial physics and biology, medicine, meteorology, physics, and astronomy, which promote learners’ academic development. The paper also focuses on the application of modern computer technologies in the academic process. It analyzes specialized sites that focus on continuous monitoring of the solar-terrestrial system. The article focuses on the solar activity and its impact on the planet Earth. The paper formulates a number of problems that prevent schoolchildren from mastering astronomy, which is a very topical school subject in the modern world.

Solar-terrestrial physics, solar activity, integration, elective course, information and communication technologies.


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