2017 №1(54) Article 2

K.V. Timchenko

The role of Mikhail N. Krechetnikov in the provincial reform of Catherine the Great at the territory of the Ryazan province in the 18th century. P.17- 23.

UDC 947.066(Р473.8)


The article treats the Ryazan Province reform as a part of the provincial reform of the Russian Empire. The article focuses on Mikhail N. Krechetnikov, a military commander sent by Catherine the Great to control and execute her decrees in the Ryazan Province. Relying on his experience, Mikhail Kre-chetnikov managed to fulfill the reforms and shape the province in accordance with the Empressʼs wish-es. Mikhail N. Krechetnikov managed to establish a new administrative machinery and management system. Being an Inspector-General, M Mikhail Krechetnikov played a decisive role in the administration system reform. The progressive social and political reforms of Catherine the Great were extremely diffi-cult to implement. Mikhail N. Krechetnikov, who was responsible for their implementation, was justly appointed a Governor-General of the Ryazan Province.


Administrative self-government, Governor, provincial reform, Catherine the Great, Mikhail N. Krechetnikov, Ryazan viceroyalty, Ryazan, Statute for the Administration of the Provinces of the Rus-sian Empire.


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